MediWell Clinic

Mon - Sat 9AM to 7PM | Sun 10AM to 6PM

1C Lansdowne Rd, N17 0LL, London​

PPG Meeting Minutes

Minutes: MediWell Clinic

Date: Meeting on Monday 3rd Jan 2022

Present: Nurten Cetin Registered Manager, Semiha Dogus Practice manager

PPG Members: BE, FN, MO, JR, EB, OO, VT, RS

Introduction and Welcome

As today was the first day that the PPG had a meeting and team members did not know each other, the meeting began with an introduction where everyone introduced his/herself to the other team members. SM will contact those who did not attend the meeting to enquire regarding further participation. NC Opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for joining the MediWell PPG meeting.

Terms and references/Aims and objectives of PPG

Members discussed the terms of reference and aims of PPG, a copy of this was given to each attendee.

General Discussions

  • JR thanked the clinic team for the availability of doctors and staff who speak Turkish.
  • EB, doctors always call patients back for follow up treatments
  • JR asked the team that sometimes it is not possible to see their preferred doctor. SD to review this, but informed that his is not always possible as doctors provide their shift in advance.
  • NC has discussed improvement plans on moving upstairs to expand the clinic and having more clinical space.
  • Practice manager SD informed members that letters will be sent to patients and we will announce on the website about new service dentistry.
  • MO mentioned it may be good to have a lift, we are reviewing this.
  • New dentistry project discussed and informed members that we will soon start with dentistry.
  • JR- Registration forms to have translations in Turkish.


Members selected Reza Saleh as the temporary chair for the PPG.

Covid-19 Update

NC informed the members the Covid risk assessment is done monthly and always we are looking to improve services and keep people safe
-Discussed regarding using masks still within clinic environment

Digital Consultation / Group consultation
New system via digital consultations thoughts asked via SD and members informed this could be a good idea.
-NC informed members we will do inhouse trial before we could start this service.

Waiting time and issues with calls
RS mentioned that waiting time is too long and NC mentioned that we are looking into having a call centre soon and reduce the waiting time and each patient should be seen within 15 minutes of arrival.

Website updates
SD has informed members that we are looking into having an online booking system where they can make the booking.

PPG Concerns
  • Access to upstairs if the clinic is expended – would prefer lift
  • Noticeboard to have more Turkish and forms to be translated in to Turkish

This may affect our lease, however for those who cannot go upstairs, there are rooms available downstairs and general consultation rooms should be upstairs, but not rooms such as the dental, surgery etc. This should be taken into account when planning upstairs rooms.

Frequency of meetings

Members agree to hold the PPG meeting two times a year next meeting will be held in June 18/2022

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