MediWell Clinic

Recruitment Policy

This policy outlines the recruitment procedures at Mediwell Clinic, including pre-employment checks for staff, partners, volunteers, and apprentices. It emphasizes fairness and compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and seeks advice when necessary.

Staff responsible for recruitment must have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles competently. Conditions of employment are clearly communicated throughout the process, and successful applicants receive written terms and conditions upon commencement. The recruitment framework is values-based, ensuring no discrimination.

Mediwell Clinic will use recruitment records for consistency, fairness, and quality. Compliance with UK GDPR and data protection legislation is also emphasized.

Staff responsible for recruitment must be aware of EU settlement scheme impact on immigration and workforce.

Practice Manager must identify and address vacancies by reviewing staffing levels, skill mix, and working patterns to identify potential redeployments.

The job description and person specification must be updated to reflect any additions or alterations to the role. An advertisement for the role will include a statement of Mediwell Clinic’s values, job title, salary, hours, location, contract type, closing date, potential interview dates, contact details, DBS checks, role, skills, qualifications, and professional registration requirements. The advertisement will be placed in preferred sources and made accessible to staff.

Mediwell Clinic will consider reasonable adjustments to ensure a fair process for all applicants, such as job advertisement formats, interview location, and alternative assessment formats. Candidates must complete an Application Form, which is reviewed against the person specification by two people. All candidates who meet the criteria and indicate a disability will be automatically shortlisted, and reasonable adjustments will be implemented to ensure a fair process.

During the interview, the interviewer will provide a brief overview of Mediwell Clinic’s philosophy and culture, and candidates must be informed of the job offer, which is conditional on two satisfactory references and information from the DBS. The GMC, NMC, HCPC, or GDC register will be checked for professional status. After completing interview questions, candidates can ask questions and be informed of the decision. The score sheet must be completed after leaving.

Internal candidates will undergo a full procedure, with forms and interview questions adjusted based on their prior employment with Mediwell Clinic. If a candidate is promoted or given a new role, they may be subject to a new probationary period. If a candidate is being promoted and their role changes, a new employment contract is issued.

Mediwell Clinic uses remote interviews as part of their recruitment process, where face-to-face interviews are unavailable. Candidates are invited to attend a remote interview via a telephone or a remote platform like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. The interviewer decides the type of interview.

Before the interview, the interviewer checks educational qualifications, work history, disability requirements, references, and DBS status. Staff ensures identity and documentation.

A minimum of two people conduct interviews, with one being the immediate supervisor or manager of the advertised post. Interview questions are agreed and standard for all candidates. If an interview is conducted by only one person due to staff resource issues, the interviewer will be the immediate supervisor or manager, followed by a tour of Mediwell Clinic with a staff team member reporting their impressions.

The interview process at Mediwell Clinic involves a relaxed, private, and uninterrupted environment. Candidates are welcomed by staff members and provided with refreshments. The interviewer explains the clinic’s philosophy and culture, and the role is explained.

Set questions are asked, and the job offer is contingent on two references and information from the DBS. The GMC, NMC, HCPC, or GDC register is checked for professional status. Candidates can ask questions after the interview, and the decision is made based on the reply.

Internal candidates’ procedures are similar, but forms and interview questions are adjusted to take into account prior employment. If a candidate is promoted or given a new role, they may be subject to a new probationary period.

After each interview, candidates will be reviewed to critically question reasons for rejection and acceptance, with no discrimination. If unsure, interviewers should consult senior management for guidance. If not the highest scoring candidate, comprehensive notes should be made. Accepted candidates will be contacted offering the post, and employment checks will be conducted by Mediwell Clinic.

After successful completion, conditions of employment, including the contract, will be issued. A rejection or holding letter must be completed for unsuccessful candidates. Staff must refer to the Right To Work Checks Policy and Procedure for full advice.

They must ensure educational qualifications, work history, disability adjustments, references, and DBS status. Initial document checks may be completed remotely, but original copies must be taken to the office. A minimum of two people will conduct interviews, with one being the immediate supervisor or manager of the advertised post.

The Mediwell Clinic is committed to ensuring that its staff have the necessary level of English language competence for their roles, ensuring high standards of healthcare. Candidates who are already registered with a professional body can expect to have the required level of English competency. For candidates from outside the UK, the clinic must ensure they have the appropriate levels of English competency in line with the Equality Act 2010. Candidates can demonstrate their English language competency through an application or during the interview process.

Mediwell Clinic requires satisfactory evidence of a candidate’s previous employment, including health and social care, working with children or vulnerable adults, and verification of the reason for their employment. Qualifications are also required, and applicants must provide evidence of any required qualifications at the interview. If there is a potential conflict of interest, the Clinic will refer to the Relationships at Work Policy and Procedure.

Mediwell Clinic’s recruitment policy outlines the process for staff appointments, including the avoidance of line management relationships with personal contacts and the recommendation to register with another practice if a candidate is a current patient.

If an offer is withdrawn, it must be clear and in writing, in collaboration with senior management.

Complaints about the recruitment process should be directed to the Practice Manager, who will follow the Complaints, Suggestions, and Compliments Policy and Procedure. Mediwell Clinic also assesses the fitness of directors through the Fit and Proper Person – Directors (CQC) Policy and Procedure. The clinic also follows the UK Government’s Code of Practice for international recruitment, promoting ethical practices and promoting health and social care system sustainability. The policy also incorporates the WHO Health Workforce Support and Safeguards List, which lists countries where active recruitment is permitted.

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