MediWell Clinic

Infection Control

We strive to maintain a clean and organized clinic, providing a secure environment for both our patients and staff. Our modern, purpose-built clinic is a source of pride, as we consistently uphold its cleanliness and maintenance.

Infection prevention is of utmost importance to us, and we hold our patients to the same standard by:

  • Maintaining clean hands through regular handwashing and the use of alcohol-based hand gel in the waiting area.
  • Ensuring that hands are washed or alcohol gel is used after using the restroom.
  • Requiring all healthcare staff who treat you to adhere to our ‘bare below the elbows’ policy. Additionally, they should wash their hands before examining you. Please don’t hesitate to ask if they have done so, as we actively promote this practice among all staff, patients, and visitors..

If you have any concerns regarding cleanliness or infection control, please don’t hesitate to inform our Reception staff.

Our clinical team strictly adheres to our Infection Control Policy, guaranteeing the safety of the care we provide and the equipment we utilize.

We implement additional measures to uphold the highest standards:

  • Encourage both staff and patients to address any concerns or report incidents regarding cleanliness and infection control. These issues will be discussed and improvements will be identified to prevent future problems.
  • Conduct an annual audit on infection control to ensure the effectiveness of our procedures.
  • Provide up-to-date training on infection control for all staff members.
  • Appoint a designated lead for infection prevention and control.
  • Regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure they align with national guidelines.
  • Maintain the premises and equipment at a high standard, taking all necessary steps to minimize infection risks.
  • Utilize washable or disposable materials for items like couch rolls, modesty curtains, floor coverings, towels, etc., and ensure they are cleaned, laundered, or changed frequently to reduce infection risks.
  • Ensure Alcohol Hand Rub Gel is readily available throughout the facility.
  • Ensure that staff immunisations are up to date
  • Dispose of waste correctly. Use the correct bins to dispose of waste, ensure that the working areas are kept clean, wash your hands afterwards and dispose of all contaminated waste safely
  • Ensure that all staff have up-to-date training on infection control
  • Ensure that there is a nominated lead for infection prevention and control
  • Cleaning schedules are in place with evidence of audits and weekly oversight by Practice Manager.
  • Ensure that the infection prevention and control audit at Mediwell Clinic is up to date and that the audit programme and reporting links into the clinical governance system at Mediwell Clinic
  • Confirm the availability of the manufacturer’s advice and instructions in respect of use, maintenance, decontamination and reuse of equipment and devices to avoid the risk of cross infection
  • Annual audits are undertaken to provide assurance of compliance to national standards, and any actions identified from these audits addressed within agreed timescales.
  • A robust risk assessment process together with implementation of effective controls.
  • The provision of appropriate equipment to all staff.

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