MediWell Clinic

Zero Tolerance

Mediwell Clinic strives to provide courteous treatment to all patients consistently, and we anticipate the same level of respect from our patients towards our staff.

Mediwell Clinic strictly adheres to the government’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy for all Health Service staff when it comes to violence and abuse. We have the authority to promptly remove any violent patients from our list to ensure the safety of our staff, patients, and others. Violence in this context encompasses both physical violence and verbal abuse that leads to fear for an individual’s well-being. In such cases, we will inform the patient in writing about their removal from the list and document the circumstances that led to this decision in their medical records.

Where patients are disruptive and display aggressive and/or intimidating behaviour and refuse to leave the premises, staff are instructed to dial 999 for Police assistance, and charges may then be brought against these individuals.

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