MediWell Clinic


Mediwell Clinic have measures in place to emphasise the significance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults. This involves having safeguarding policies and procedures that are regularly reviewed and revised to align with national recommendations.

Safeguarding requirements

Mediwell Clinic is firmly dedicated to the advancement of safeguarding adults and children through proactive efforts to guarantee :

  • The safety and welfare of children and adults who engage with our services, whether through direct or indirect contact, is of utmost importance. It is the duty of all our staff members to uphold the highest standards of Best Practice, which includes adhering to all legal obligations and statutory requirements.
  • Robust procedures for recruitment, selection, and contract management, which involve comprehensive criminal records checks, in order to maintain a safe and secure environment.
  • Well-defined whistleblowing procedures and a culture to encourage staff to raise concerns
  • Appropriate staff supervision and support, including mandatory safeguarding training
  • A culture that values and seeks input from both children and adults, promoting open communication and consultation.
  • A culture that prioritizes safety, equality, diversity, and protection for all individuals.
  • Mechanisms in place to facilitate the sharing of information with other organizations.
  • A designated safeguarding lead who is provided with the necessary support to effectively carry out their responsibilities.

The obligations of every organization that collaborates with children are outlined in this document:  Working Together to Safeguard Children

The document highlights the essential expectations and best practices for professionals responsible for performing legal duties in safeguarding vulnerable adults from abuse: The Care Act  2014

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